Collection Services
Providing Your Business Personalized Services and Attention
In order to better serve you, the following information is requested when we begin collection on your past due accounts:
- Copy of detailed invoice and/or financial transaction history (dates of service/product sold detailing charges less payments and credits)
- Any and all debtor demographic information (name, address, phone number, SS#, etc.); a copy of debtor application form (if one exists)
- Copy of signed contract and/or purchase/work order (if one exists)
Collection Steps and Procedures
- Initial demand letter sent to the debtor, upon receipt of past due account from our client, notifying the debtor that a past due balance has been forwarded to a collection agency by their creditor;
- Telephone contact with the debtor within 3-4 days of first demand letter mailing; request full payment or arrange payment plan if deemed appropriate;
- If payment plan is set up with a debtor, plan commitment letter is immediately sent to the debtor;
- If CSRS possesses no current address or telephone number and are unable to make contact with a debtor, we will commence skip tracing techniques through on-line data sources;
- If after a 30 day debtor appeal period, there is no contact with the debtor, or lack of cooperation or payment follow through executed by the debtor, we will report account to credit bureau as bad debt;
- Telephone contact is persistent and continuous, with thorough follow up on all debtor payment commitments;
- If after 30 day debtor appeal period, the debtor refuses to pay the obligation and CSRS deems legal action to be appropriate (i.e. outstanding balance exceeds $400.00 and individual debtor has a garnishable job or debtor company is still a viable business), we will recommend to our client that the account be placed with our attorney for suit to be filed (also on a contingency fee basis, client only pays out of pocket court costs).

Contact Info
15722 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 2D
Rockville, MD 20855
Phone: 301-670-5555
Coverage Area
Washington DC, Northern Virginia and the surrounding areas